Products and Services
Flexible containers have been brought in Japanese market to fulfill needs such as increasing transportation capacity, getting efficient distribution, and improving work environment. Flexible container made with rubber is suitable for repeatable usage such as transportation between factories called “Running System※1”.
“Rubber S-CON※2”, a rubber made flexible container manufactured by SHIBATA INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD., is developed for transportations and strages of raw materials used in industrial and chemical fields.
The system of easy filling and discharging brings you the efficiency of mass transportation and storage. It is very flexible and able to be folded compactly so that the shipping and handling would become easier.
Repeatable usage of S-CON helps you to save running cost※3 through the process of filling, storaging, transporting and returning.
SHIBATA INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. has the top market share in the Japanese rubber made flexible container market.
S-CON is rated high from our customers where operate the system.
※1 Running System
【Operational Example of Rubber S-CON】

- 1) Capability of filling heavy materials(less than 3000kg).
- 2) Handling easily with heavy machineries including forklift and travelling crane while the filling is inside.
- 3) Superior in storage efficiency with easy transporation by vehicles including trucks.
- 4) Discharging the filling easily.
- 5) Saving the cost of shipping and storage with its folding structure.
※2 S-CON is the product name of Flexible Container manufactured by SHIBATA INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
※3 Running cost here means operational cost required continuously.
Containers for repeatable usages would bring you positive economic effects rather than containers for disposable
usages. We think Rubber S-CON helps you to save the running cost and would be one of efficient ways to save
limited resources.
We offer you Rubber S-CON in order to reduce loads of transportation and storage.